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rLCAGL[, BENJAMIN EDWARD FLEAGLE , Mayberry, Md. ~[N'L PflSS,flaNT, '" ':NAYB[RRV A sound of distant thunder, reverberating from the recesses of Senior Hafl, accompanied UNIT[D," by a terrible "rumble and grumble and roar," a crash, a jar, a quivering, banging, slaming, shock which shakes the hall from top to bottom, a horrible tintintabulation of number f2's upon the panel, and a deep, gruff voice thundering forth "Open up your dog house"-that's Ben. But be not alarmed, gentle reader, for he is only "gently rapping" for admittance to my room, which, to save the lock and panel of my door, is quickly granted him. "Benny" is harmless, however, in spite of such threatening demonstrations. In fact, when in the presence of ladies, he is very quiet and meek, but that is the only power which can subdue him. He has a horror of women, or at least, gives us that impression and is the only fellow in the class not addicted to smiling, and whenever one of the fair sex threatens to beam upon him in a friendly manner he immediately collapses. It happened once in his Senior year, that when Benny was discussing a matter of great political importance before the school and faculty, he thought he discovered a girl in the audience smiling at him and the shock was so great that he fainted. Ben is the general favorite of the class, and with his genial good nature is loved by all his classmates. WILLIAM LEE HOFFMAN ' Buckeystown, Md. "What cook cooked it?"-Plautus. As I sit at my desk engaged in writing, I hear a creaking sound upon the stair and soon an emphatic rap upon my door. I open it, and behold a queer looking object before me. About six feet tall, a form resembling somewhat in structure that of the historic Ichabod Crane, a pair of shaggy eyes scowling savagely over a twin pair of nose glasses, and a long black cord swinging from the said glasses to keep them balanced on his nose. At last "it" speaks, "Hey, got anything to eat?" Upon replying in the negative, the thing growls, "Oh the Hexl" and creaks off back to its den. "Alkie" is like Josiah Allen, he always "enjoyed a good meal." Is very fond of apples, as evinced by his numerous solitary excursions into the country. It is said that while yet in the spirit, "Alkie" attempted to enter the garden of Eden to sample the fruit which caused the fall of man, but was driven out. He still bears the marks of his exploit, for on the slightest provocation his face flames up like crimson, which is thought to be the reflection of the sword of fire of Eden's sentinel. However, "Alkte" is always generous with his good things and has given us many a nice "spread." 58 /
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