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Favorite Favorite Course ,,[ Favorite Accomplish- Character- Fa vori te Song. Vocation. Idea of Bliss. Expression. Study. Study. Pastime. merit. istics. Alice where art thou? Go shoot Math. Historical, Civil Engeering. Talking. Singing (1) Importance. I Having a girl. yourself. Sweet Marie Tarnation. Astronomy. Classical. Ministry. Sleeping. Telling jokes(?) Laziness. Getting Married. Seeing Nellie Home. Gee whiz. Astronomy. Classical. Teaching. Rough Housing. Fainting. Good nature Delivering Orations. The man who has plenty Oh, the Hex. English. Classical. Ministry .. Reading novels. Eating. Enormous Something of good peanuts. Appetite. to eat. The Girl I left Behind. Oh You History. Historical. ? ? ? ? Building air Bluffing. Conceit. Talking to Rube. castles. Dr. Ward. When first I kissed Gosh a Geology Historical. Ministry. Calling Whipp. Mimicing. Bor-rowing. To go down sweet Margaret. mighty. Mme. Saylors. There's just one girl. jim irry. Classics. Classical. Teaching. Smiling. Blushing. Determina- Going to tion not to Parlor. be (R)uthless My Trusty Trot. By George. I? 1 1 Classical. Business. Hooking. Ponying. Neatness. Perfection in Ponying. Mary had a little -- D--it. Government. Historical. Law. Smiling Pugilism. Dignity. Taking Drives. Holy City. You dumb Philosophy. Classical. Ministry. Going down Love making. Gas. Putting it ignoramus. town. ar uncl.
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