Page 59 - YB1904
P. 59
"For sake of Auld Lang Syne." Y the time this book shall be put before the public, and our friends shall be perusing its pages, the class of J904 shall have taken her place among the roll of the honored Almuni, and we classmates shall be scattered abroad, each to fight for himself life's battle. To us this thought is a sad one. For four years we have been together, through cloud and sunshine, through failure and success, through reverses and triumphs and during that time ties of class fellowship have been formed which shall never be broken. Our little band has been drawn very dose together and life long friendships and associations have been formed. But soon we must separate. Will then those comrades and classmates be forgotten? God forbid; for in the future years each one of us wtll still have fond and loving remembrances of our college days and college associates. 55
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