Page 60 - YB1904
P. 60
Therefore I have written these characteristics with this end in view. To write such an accurate and as nearly as possible as true an estimate of the character of each one, that when in after years we pause for a moment in the busy rush and roar of business and pick up this volume, sacred to every member of this loyal class, we may find here portrayed, so true to life, the characters of our classmates, that we may recognize at once the one who is therein por- trayed as the classmate of our college days. For that reason I may make illusions which will not be understood by any save "We Seniors," but for that offence I make no apology, for what I write is first of all and all in all for my classmates. So for this once at least we will all have the opportunity of seeing ourselves as our comrades see us who have had the experience of four year's association in which to form their estimates. 56
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