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Stockton Literary Society .. ;t- rt' pl·esidcnts. fi"st 'Cel'm. Second "Ccrm. G. J. IIOC)KEU. C. l'lJlLL!P~. 'Chit'd Ccrm. F. P. Kr~AlJSS. ~.~~ to the idea orits worthy founders, this literary orgnniza.tionis nd vuncing in e\'er), line of work l'~for whidl it W:,15 instituted. Stockton hus but one aim-Improvement; one idcnl-c-Pcrfccuion , one hope-c-Vlutunl Blcssing : and one spirit-Brotherly Love For "There is au iuruost centre ill us un Whcre trntlt abides ill fullness, and to kuow To tile other literary bodies 011 the" Hill" we extend our greeting, nud sincerely wish you well. To evcry Alumnus or the Seminary we say, may you nobly fulfill your mission. For all the future students of W. T S.-we hope that yOUl' path of life may be a royal one. And now as present members we exclaim, "Long live Stockton!" 29
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