Page 27 - YB1903
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The Board of Visitors, or any of them, ]W!; authority to visit and inspect the Seminary at all times, with a view to recommending to the Board of Governors such changes or improvements in the manage- ment of the institution as may seem desirable; nud also to report to their Conferences in the case of any student placed in the institution by them. Board of Governors. RE\·. JOHN OAVW KINZEH, O. D., Washington, D. C. REV. BENJ;\!11INSTOUT, Fairmount, \V. Va. RE\'. JOH" M. GILL, Washington, O. C. REV CHAULES D. SINKINSO:-l,Atlantic City, N. J. REV. EDWARD j. DJU:-IKHOUSE,:\1. D., D. D., Baltimore, :\1c1. JUSHUA 'vVEllSTER HE1W\G, A. NI., :\'1. D., LL. D., Westminster, Md. FLETCHER R. HAIUHS, M. D., Henderson, N. C. J. NO!~iltANWILLS, Greensboro, :'-1. C. WAL'J'ER M. SEAH1NG, Tomkins Cove, ·N. Y. T PLiNV FISHEll, Denton, Md. REV. HUCH L\T1MEI~ El.DERDlCE, A. ],,1., D. D., ex-officio, Westminster, Md. Offfcers of tbe Board. REV. E[)WA1W J. DI1L\:KHOUSE, M. D., D. D.. President. JOSJ-IUt\ WEBS'l'EI~ l-iEIU"G, A. M., lVi. D., LL. 0" Treasurer. ]{EV. HUGH LA'I'U1IW ELDEHD[CE, A. :\1., D. D., Secretary. Scholarships. Free Scholarships, yielding $100 annually, have been established for the benefit of deserving students. The donors for 1902-1903 nrc : Trinity Church, N. T. Mcginniss, Joseph D. Baker, Alumni Associa- tiou, Chestertown Church, ami Dr. Joseph Watson. - - 26 - -
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