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very freqnent, and serve to display to great advantage the talents and attainments of the special students in music and elocution, And now as to the entertainments given by the students all their own responsibility, The most im- portant of these are the two entertainments given by the societies at Thanksgiving and Washington's Birthday, In each case a young men's and a young ladies' society combine their efforts, the combination being changed each year. But most important of all college events is the sole social function which provides for the meeting of the two departments-the Parlor Night. This event occurred formerly but 011cea month, and was then of two hours' duration. But one of the first acts of the faculty, on resuming its sessions at the beginning of the fall term of the present yCaJ',WBS to promulgate a decree to the effect that Parlor should hcnceforth he held c\'ery Saturday night, and should last for one hour. At firat thought, this seems to be a very considerable concession to the cult of Eros. But those who know the faculty of old are likely to rcgnrcl this measure with suspicion. They are inclined to believe that the new regulation illustrates thc principle set forth in the old saying that the only cure for love is marriage. POl',though far from advocating such an extreme cure as that mentioned above, the faculty is far from encouraging Ion'. Finally the religious exercises are to be considered, The fact that these have been left until last is by no means significant of their relafivc importance. No other feature of our college life isarranged more carefully or insisted on more strongly than this. The Sabbath exercises begin shor-tly after breakfast, with Sunday School. where members of rhe faculty act as teachers. Although attendance is purely voluntary, the classes arc always large, During the morning the students are required to attend a church of the same denomination as that which they at- tend when at home, At night, attendance at the college chapel is required. During the second term, the evening sermons arc preached by visiting clergymen. - - 21 - -
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