Page 18 - YB1903
P. 18
The friends or Western Maryland College could not but appreciate the commendation of her career, necessarilv implied in the action of the Conference; yet it was not without a sense of hear tie It regret that they could relinquish, even to a kindred institution. a share in those abilities which were first displayed with suclt splendid results in connection with this college. Men may come anrl men may go, but, as the student well knows, the college and college classes go on forever; ncco- dingty, the two upper classes inquired in eager chorus, "Who is to teach us Philosophy?" And, Rocking to the class-room, they found the answer in the person of Dr. Bar-tlett Burleigh James, who graduated from this college in '91, took his degree at Hopkins, and is at present pastor of the Second Congregational Church, or Baltimore. Having satisfied themsel v..cs tha t their 11101'011ideal was not to be neglected, the students turned to the Department of' Chemistry. having le-u-ned that Dr. Moore, the presiding genius of last year, was not to return. Here they found installed Dr. Herber-t Lowell Rich, a genial graduate of Wesleyan University, ami a man invaluable to his student friends. for whom he is always ready to perform any conceivable ser- vice-from lecturing 011 igneous rocks to setting a collar hone. With these exceptions the Faculty rcrnnincd that of lns t yea1'. Thc students ami faculty ha\'illg mvt and ha ving ucquirccl clue respect 1'01' one another, the college rootinc was quietly resumed. At this point, we arc h
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