Page 16 - YB1903
P. 16
ยท . l:be College year .. . arc opening day at any college presents a scene full of life and color: the mingled emotions that ~ manifested in a thousand varied tones of voice or changes of expression; the gradual but insistent manner in which order and organization assert their ancient sway over the disorganieccl and disorderly gathering; the innumerable little crooks and turns of character and idiosyncrasies of conduct that make up the individual man, so hopelessly impossible to be dealt with in the rational manner adopted by philosophers toward that docile creature of their fancy, the gemrs homo in the abstract.c- all this must deeply interest the student of human nature, and fill him with a keen delight. Especially do these words apply to the cosmopolitan throng which assembled at western Maryland College on September 16,1902. When greetings and felicitations had been exchanged in countless tones, and every tongue-from East'n She' to Yankee-the aiel students looked around them and discovered that the Freshman Class was one of unprecedented magnitude. Not less than seventy-four elect from the ambitious youth of our land had sought out this renowned 'v" in order to sit at the feet of the " wise souls who teach-if anyone gives them money ." The next surprise in store for the student populace was the discovery that our institution had been decapitated, as it were, by the Conference; and that our-esteemed Head must hereafter be held in common with our contemporaries at Adrian. In other words, Dr. Thomas Hamilton Lewis, who has been Presi- dent of Western Maryland College for seventeen remarkably successful years, had been offered, and had accepted, the Presidency of Adrian College, at Adrian, Michigan, to be held jointly with that of W. M. C. - - 15 -
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