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faculty. THOMAS HAMILTON LEWIS, PRESlOENT, " " A. M., D. D., And Professor of Philosophy. Mrss MARY ASHTON SCOTT, PREC£P'I'RESS. REV. JAMES WILLIAM REESE, A. M., PH. D. (PRTNCETON). Professor of Ancient Languages and Literature. WILLIAM ROBERTS McDANIEL, A. M., SECRETARY, And Professor of Moohemetice and Astronomy. GEORGE WASHINGTON WARD, A.M., PH. D. (johns Hopkins), Professor of History and Political Science. ROWLAND WATTS, A. M., DEAN, And Professor of Physics lind Biology. FERDINAND BONi\OTTE, PH. D. (Johns Hopkins), Professor or Modem Lal1gllages and Literature. MME. MARIE BON NOTTE, Assistant in French. GEORGE STOCKTON WILLS, A. M. (Harvard), Protceeor of English. HERBERT LOWELL RICH, A. lVI., M. D., Professor of Chemistry and Geology. REV. BARTLETT BURLEIGH ]ANlnS, PH. D. (Johns Hopkins), Acting Protessor of Philosophy. LEON SAMPAlX (Brussels Conservatory), Professor of Piano. - - 12 - -
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