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young Women's Cbristian Rssociation. Offi«rs. President, . Manns SENSENI~Y. Vice-President, . IRMA BEVANS. Corresponding Secretary, EMMA DUNCAN. Recording Secretary, . MARIAN HANDY. Treasurer, MAYFIELD'VIUGHT. Organist, MABEL GARRISON. y. nr, C. H. Tis well-nigh universally acknowledged, in our colleges of to-day, that the highest phase of culture in I which students can develop is spiritual culture. Undoubtedly the 1110St effective aids of our institu- tion in deepening spirituality are the Christian Associations ofthe college. During the -"car that has just passed, the Y. W. C. A. has made progress which, though not satisfy- ing. is very encouraging. The works of an association cannot, in the highest sense, be enumerated in a table of statistics ; in many cases a real elevation of tile moral standard of its members is of far greater value than any amount or expansive work into which they might enter. The greatest work of which our Y. \Y. C. A. can tell is the very earnestness of force in that inner circle, which promises all the greater widening ill the future. - - 128 . -
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