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young Men's Christian Hssociation. If If Off'tcere. President, WARD S. IRELAND, '03. Vice-President, WI",FRED P. ROBERTS, '03. Historian, EDWARD E. TARR, '03. Recording Secrcterv, F. E. RAl'HllU:-I, '05. Corresponding Secreta I]'. L. E. Punouv, '07. Treasurer, JA~IES D. S~I[l'J-!.'05. Organist, CHAI~LE.S L. ELDERO[CE, '04. JJiatory. O F ,all the institutions on ~ollcgc Hill, the Young Men's Christian A~sociatio.n stands pre-eminent for Its work towards Its influence pervades every making a man lead a more noble and useful life. Its workings, to a large extent, are not seen; yet, how visible are its results 1 phase of college life. At the opening of school in September. our roll was nearly doubled. In a short time all the members were placed on some committee, and the committees have faithfully done their work. We were much helped by the report afoul' delegate to the World's Student Conference, at Northfied, Mass. We sent twenty-five delegates to the Tri-State Convention held in Baltimore during March. We have made a big improvement in our reading room, by the addition of new chairs, and several games for the amusement of the students. 'Ne have purchased a very good book case, and already have - - 126
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