Page 135 - YB1903
P. 135
Last June we sent one delegate to represent us at the Conference of the Eastern Colleges for Young Women, which was held at Silver Bay. We hope that this year we may be able to send two delegates, as it is impossible for one girl to bring back from such a conference as the one held at Silver Bay the in- spiration received there, and impart it to those who have not attended. During the year we have been fortunate in having a visit from Miss Blount, the secretary of the Stu- dent Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions. Miss Blount is a graduate of the University of Nash- ville. and is visiting the colleges of this country during the tjtue of her preparation for work in Japan. She has greatly interested the girls in foreign missions. The regular Wednesday evening meetings have been held throughout the year, and have been a safe- guard, as it were, for keeping our standard high. In these meetings, which are held in our bright, cozy room, the girls who are members of the association and those who are not come together; and in a heart-to-heart manner the" deeper things" are spoken of quite naturally, because they are uppermost in the thoughts of all. With faith and reason and good works, the Y. \V. C. A. hopes to advance steadily and be to the col- lege a real spiritual aid, and to the world an element of strength . . . 129
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