Page 129 - YB1903
P. 129
EVINE HALL, our Prepara tory School, is the first building seen as a visitor climbs College Hill. It as ere~ted in ,1891.'by Dr. .Cha~·lesBillingslea, of Westminster, as ~ memorial to his .SOI1 , James ,.., Levine. Since Its erection It has been greatly enlarged, and IS now a commodious three- story brick building, Tn addition to its dormitories for the boys and the class-rooms and offices for the teachers, it contains the Frank Hurley Memoria l LIbrary, a reading room, opened daily, and containing about 600 books, It contains also a case of apparatus for illustrating chemical and physical experi- ments. The course has been raised each year, and by increasing the Faculty, its work is made more effective. The studies pursued are the same as those at larger colleges. Three teachers, who live in the building, give their entire time to the work; and, besides, other teachers from the college meet classes of the Preparatory School for "york in their special departments. 123 -
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