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P. 204
french Lesson in Ruy Blas. " " " Class. MISS DE Busuv, MIss Knmnr.r., Mrss ELLIOTT, 111s5 MOIWAN, MISS HERR, MIss MULLINIX, MIss VEASEY. Miss Morgan comes in late as usual. MADAiIlE-?-.J[issMorgan, pourqnoi etes VDUStard? MIss :Vl.-Why, Madame, I started when the bell rang, but it's- :.'.1AOA.\lE-Miss Morgan, pat-lea en Francais, it will take off' of your mark. Pretez moi un livre. Quel page? Commencee l Edithe Kimile. MISS K. (reading)-It was incredible. MADAillE (correctingj=Non ! Non! Edithe" not believable, not be- lievable. Elaine prenez Don Csesar, Don Sallust prenez Marie. Ha! Ha! Hal (excessive laughter by Madame). Miss VEASEY (translating)-" 1will do my" (hesitates)- 1\I1AOA.\I£-" I will do my possible. Bien 1" MADAME-Miss Kimile et Miss Morgan, you must 119t laugh ill the class. I am sorry for your mark at the end of the terme. La Rue lisca en Anglais. :"'1[S5 HERR (reading)-Keep your secret, and keep your aw-aw- MADAME(prompfingj-c-" Money.' MISS HERR.-Olt, J understand that one. Aw-aw- MADAME-Miss Herr, avez vous etudie votre leson ? MISS HERR-Why-aw-excnsez 1110iail vous plait. [La Rue passes out.] MADAME-Mable Ei1iut prenex Ruy Blas (Miss E. reads three pages). MADAME-Bien] Trcs triste, ne pensez vous pas? CLASS-Oh, cui, oni! Tree triste. NrADA~IE-VOUS a vez rm verb aujourd hui ? 182
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