Page 202 - YB1902
P. 202
to be used in wri tiug .billet.doux ' to each other, and I welcome the change." j, Awfully Handy" said her little body was completely worn out trying to catch those passing notes in the Library, still those she caught she never had the heart to report. For this frank confession "Impatience" Scott led her off to a corner, and preceded to administer A. sound rebuking for dereliction of duty, while "Roaring Thunder" Reeseand" Sitting Bull" Ward got in a heated discus- sion-in the light of History and of the Classics-as to which was "The Butt End of a Ocat ;!' but "Fire-Water" Bonnotte brought all parties back to the discussion when he exclaimed, "Mein Gott! Hen- Dokter Willen sic let.sens'em zu sprecken Deutsch." It was growing late, and the little love-sick Hiawatha Schott, moved that the boys and girls meet all the porch everyevening-----exceptingWednes- day, for the sake of" Big Baby," and Sunday, for fear they might soil their best clothes-and it was unanimously carried. Amid the applaase, "Heap Big Chief" declared the Council adjourned to meet in regular session the following Friday. On Monday, April 28, 1902, the course of Love was placed in the Curriculum. 180
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