Page 200 - YB1902
P. 200
Trills like a nightingale, graceful and fair, Veryexcitable, but a jewel quite rare.- MIss SCHO'l'1'. When at a piano tears up it and down, Ofquite gentle temper (?) but kills with his frown.- PROF. S.UIPALX. Gentle and soft-voiced, in the library is found, Her sweet smile we'Llremember,though she be not renowned.c- MISS HAKDY. Skilled in athletics, always polite, Teaches the boys how with broadswords to fi.ght.- PHOF. HOL'fO:-.i. A Hercules in "Wisdom,broad-minded and Great, Can't be tripped up in History, Politics or State.- DR. ·WARD. Would give" a. demerit," in art truly great; Xevcr hears the bell, so to meals comes in late.- 1\1[15S Il~W!N. The busiest man in the College is he, Takes care of the funds and demerits, d' you sec?- PROF. McDANIEL. The Lord of the Manor. In tr-uth last, not least, His word is all powerful from West to the East.- DR. LEW!S. The Class of all classes, thirty as one, Stands first in wisdom, athletics and fUIl.- CLASS OF 1902. 178
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