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Miss T-L.-" Edna, haven't you got something to eat? I am 'most starved. By the way, all the Junior girls are talking about the way Dr. Hussey eats. Have you ever noticed him?" MIss T-v.-" No, but T met Dr. Lewis on the steps to-day and he tipped his hat." MISST-L.-"1 can beat that; I met him in the hall to-day, and he stopped and spoke to me. Verily, verily, I say unto you, the millennium is coming." MISSH-L.-"That's nothing; hewants ~youto send your sister up here ncxt year." MISSB-D.-" Girls, have you finishedyour Shakspere theme?" MISST-L.-" No, I haven't, worse luck. I think Prof. Wills is "ausser sich.' The idea of having us write a new edition of a Shakspere play." MISSB-D.-" I move that we send a petition to the Faculty asking for shorter lessons in English." MISSH-Y.-"How do the boys manage to get through?" MISST-Y.-" Well,Prof, Wills said the other day in class that some of them were on the ragged edge of seven." MISSH-I~.-" I think Humphreys does real well." MISST-L.-"Didn't you have to laugh when Prof. Wills told Mr. Lynch to take that tooth-pick out of his mouth?" .i\.'lISSH-L.-" Prof. 'Vilis is such a cross old thing that I think he must have been disappointed in love." MISST-I ..-Gee whia, it's quarter of nine! Wonder if Miss Irwin has finished making inspection." MISSH-L.-" Yes; she came up about eight o'clock. Have you heard Miss Scott's latest rule? 'Don't turn around at the table for the purpose of looking at the young men.' The idea! I am glad I sit facing them. MISST-1..-" Bosh, what do we care 1 Girls, let me tell you a story with a moral. I got a spot of grease on my best black skirt and one of our mice ate it out fOI'me. I hope you seethe moral." Mrss G-L-" I am so sleepy." MISSB-D.-" Dog gone this German, Tam going to get Clam's pony from Edith Krirnmell. MISSG-L.-" Yes,this lesson is awfully hard, and it's no harm to use a pan}"after you have really tried." MISST-v.-" All our lessons are hard for to-morrow. They certainly do pile work on us poor Seniors." With help of the pony, by the end of the study hour the German lesson was translated. 1.68
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