Page 186 - YB1902
P. 186
H 'C}'pical Senior 6xamination. """ 1. Describe in fu11the schlerotic coat, cornea, contractile aperture, re- fracting media and biconvex capsular body found in the eye of a needle. 2. Show by diagram the position of the tarsus, metatarsus, phalanges and calcaneum in the foot of a mountain. 3. Where do you look for the phrenological bumps on the head at a pin? 4. Give the names, number and composition of the teeth of a gale. 5. Describethe muscular movements necessary to express joy, sorrow, fear, pain and grief in the face of a note. 6. What kind of joints do you find in the finger of time P 7. Show by diagram the different attitudes taken in the bov" of a boat. 8. Locate and give uses of the biceps, deltoid and sub-scapular muscles found in an arm of the sea. 9. Give number, names and position of ribs in the side of a question. 10. Write in good English, properly spelled, punctuated and para- graphed, a description containing not less than two hundred words of the method you would use in curing paralysis in the hands of a clock. 11. Locate and describe the helix, ossicles, auditory meatus and calcare- ous skeletal plates in the integument of an ear of com. 12. Name and describe the bones, muscles and nerves found in the leg of a table. 13. What are the uses of the axial skeleton, zygapophysis and vertebral aponuerosis in the back of a book? 14. Name and the position of the bones in the jaws of death. 15. Describe fully the process of separating the animal matter from the mineral matter in a bone of contention. 16. Oivc in full a description of the sensation resulting from a blow on the" funny bone" ill an elbow of stove pipe. 17. Give the name and the reason why it was so called of the large ten- don in the heel of tyranny. 18. Name and describe the blood-vessels, gi\'ing a full account of the functions of each having their source and termination ill the hcartof winter. 19. What is the essential differencein the vertebral structure of a Greek Latin pony? Having made the experiment, which do you recommend for daily riding? 164
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