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door: "Ic-Indeed, Dr. Moore, 1 dou't-c l mean J couldn't find my book last night,1'm not prepared." Dr. Moore, smiling a little more broadly, con- tinues: "Well ah-there is a great variety of scdimcnterydeposits.e-e-' but the class has vanished. Of this fact, however, the lecturer is blissfully ignorant, as he continues to smile broadly in the direction of the window. The gas is glowing. The voice goes on: "made ah in the sea, which ah chungt.'-" The sentence was never finished, for at that moment com- bustion took place in the heated gases, and before the smile had time to leave the lecturer's facehe was blown into atoms, each of which was carried in a different direction by the high wind which prevailed, and disseminated far and wide overthe face of the globe, to form by combination with certain elements before existing in a free state a compound which will be highly beneficialto Geologists in determining what" was ill the beginning is 110W and ever shall be," But all that remained in a visible form of what had once been Dr. Moore was his smile, which, like that of the cat in" Alicein Won- derland," is indestructibly immortal and eternal, and which, as long as the College exists, will be seen floating above the table in the science rOOI11, sending for-thits beams as of yore upon the students of Geology. 170
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