Page 193 - YB1902
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t:::be t:::rue Revolutionary War. E modern researches into American History by the various histori- cal societies has revealed something startling which has not yet been made known to the public. In order that everyone who is so fortunate as to possess a ]902 ALOHA may become acquainted with the facts, I shall briefly relate them. Olel manuscripts have been discovered which show conclusively that the American war for independence has been hopelessly confused. And although these newly discovered papers arc themselves, in places, rather obscure, it is confidently expected that a little 1110re research will make matters much plainer. The years '00 to '02 were times of great excitement whicb centered chieflyaround a place known as Western Maryland. The "home govern- ment" had entered upon her arbitrary treatment of the colonies, but the slumbering indignation did not break forth until Decemberof '00, when it was announced that the Christmas frivolity of the colonies for that year would end Wednesday, J~L11tlary 2d. Excitement ran high at this news. And as a result of several secret meetings, the" thirteen original colonies" united to defy the home goYernment, parliament and king; they would ex- tend their holidays until the following Monday. England was kept in close communication with her colonies, and when Friday, January 4th, the king discovered these plans, he was highly indignant to think that anyone would thwart his imperious will. He called a meeting of Parliament and the matter was discussed. Here was something new in their annals, an open conspiracy on the part of the insignificant colonies to prevent the English rules from going into effect. The result was that each poor little colony receiveda new decree of which we are fortunate enough to be able to give you a copy fr0111the original manuscript. "Ve wish to call your attention in the following document to the extensive use of figurative language: 171
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