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«lestern )VIaryland College preparatory Scbool. HE present Preparatory School is the outgrow th of a plan begun with the Primary Department of the College some time ago and which was, until 1899, continued in old Levine Hall and ill the basement recitation rooms of the College. Under the old system the male boarding students below the Preshman Class lived in a part on the new Ward Hall since its completion in 1895. The female students were domiciled as they are now in the main part of the ladies' building at the College under the care of the College Preccptrese. The completion of Alumni Hall, in the basement of which were provided two large recitation 1-00111S, and the enlargement of Levine Hall in 1899, gave an opportunity for putting into effect the new system of preparatory work. Then the Primary Department was dropped entirely, and the work of the Freshman Class under the old system was to a great extent tr-ans, ferred to the Preparatory School. In this manner the course has been raised, ami by an increased teaching force the work of the school made more effective. The building is already too small to accomodatc all the male students, and this year a Humber han'. roomed at the College. The ground covered during the preparatory course is practically that covered by the same schools of the larger colleges. Three teachers, who live in the building. give their entire time to the work, and besides these during the year six other teachers from the College meet classes of the Pre- paratory School for work in their special departments. faculty. Prasideut, MRS. KATIU:R!N!, SPAHR rr ur.r., B. L., REV. THO~!AS HA.J.!II:ro:s ),E;W!S, D. D. LilcraLlln:,SdCllre. I"OUl~ BURT Hur.r., PH. 13., Priucipal., MISS }\!ARY nnr.r.i: COCBltAN, A,"8.. 1I1(1lJWlllalics (Iud His!or)'. Relldill/j. C!lAR!.I~ ORLANDO CI.U~!SON. A_ M., :M~l", ;\tARn, nONNOTTE, Latin, /1l1g/i.lh, P~·JlIIIMISllip. French. 113
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