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hearts. How shall we do them justice with such feeblemeans as these lines? To say that they are proficient in music, art and all the accomplish, merits of ideal Freshmen would not fullyexpress out"estimation of them or do them full justice. yet they know that our admiration for them is un- bounded, and while we have not yet been granted a class meeting we eagerly await that time when we can all assemble as a whole class and reason together. Alas! out"Freshman ycar has departed.carrying with it many pleasant memories of past events upon which we love to reflect. Yet,onward is our watchword and upon the invisible banner is stamped our ever guiding motto, "Excelsior." \Vecannot say we regret that we arc now Sophomores. Still we trust tbat not one of our fold shall be lost to us, but that all may safely return next Fall within the sheltering walls of Vol.M. C., to add both their labor and talent in making an unexcelledrecord for the Class of 1905. \Ve kucw net what awaiteth us As dawns another year, 'I'he path untrod we cannot see, Vel know our hearts uo fear. freshman yells. Hulli ge hl!! Hulli ge hai Hull; ge ha I ge ha , ge ha ! Grosses Gerih\scl1 in all the Hive western l\laryland, [90S! In altno quiuto i-bt-uurs Connr; plus et sequi jus ! Niuteen-five ! Nineteen-five ! Freshman, Freshman, Ig05! 112
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