Page 124 - YB1902
P. 124
ARLV one morning last September, quite a commotion was created throughout the East, when a still voice was heard by many young men and maidens bidding them "arise, take up your possessions and get}'c hence into the promised land of knowledge, where you 'will find prepared for you marty things. Enter ye through the wide doors into a temple which adorns a high hill. Here you will find a great prophet and teacher, whom I have appointed to guide and rule over yon. Obey _ye him and provoke not his wrath lest _veabide not therein," Immediately the pilgrims began to collect in SI11<3.11bands. Men and W0111enfrom the North, South, East and west, all eager to share the prom, ised riches of the unknown land, and proceeded at once to ~111 ancient city callcd Westminster. Here the various bands, consisting of"forty-one valian-t and determined souls, assembler! and marched up the old hill and into their new home safe, sound and happy. Finding the Classes of 1902, '03 and '04 already here, we decided to be independently known as the Class of 1905 Six States of the Union have the honor or contributing 24 boys and 1'I girls to our class. as follows: Marvlrmd, 34; North Carolina, 2; Dela, ware, 2; Sew Jersey, 1; Virgina. 1; and District of Columbia, 1. We learned in a compeu-at.ivclv short while the customs and manners of no
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