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our new friends, and we were not long either in acquiring the essentials necessary to make us full college students, so the teachers said, and we thought so. The first event of special importance was securing the Sophomore colors, The ovcrwillingness of some of the Sophomore girls to get rid of their beautiful bows of class colors, and their unwillingness to wear them in public, was readily foreseen by some of the Freshman boys, who kindly consented to relieve them of their perplexity by securing and wearing the colors in public first themselves, after a little" forced argument" with the Sophomore boys. Presently the I, Brutes," whose animal nature secured the mastery over them, having heard of our widely-known talent, kindly requested (?) one of our number, whom they had allured to their hall, to display his vocal and elocutionary ability in the presence of a well-filled 1'00111. After being COIl- vinced of the authenticity of the report by the performing ability of their victim, he managed to make his escape. Upon learning of the above pro- ceedings a committee of Freshmen appointed themselves to investigate the matter. It is unnecessary to say that the committee performed its duty in a most creditable manner, and in return each member was individually complimented (?) by that honorable body, the Faculty. QUI' athletics came next, in which we were ably represented in all events. The Freshman foot ball team, which was composed of three mem- bers of the first and eight of the second college teams, a most interesting fact, was organized. but owing to our inability to arrange games with the upper classmen we were forced to disband without a game. Ask them why? Our basket ball team also held their own in the games for class championship, but look out for them next year. On the diamond our boys again showed their ability to handle the ball and bat in an artistic man- ner. As for all around athletes, we venture to boast of being second to none on the hill. Those who peruse the columns of the College Monthly were undoubt- edly surprised, after repeatedly reading many of its choice literary produc- tions, to find the familiar '05 signature immediately following them. In society work Freshmen have taken prominent parts, some of them being spirited debaters and good speakers. Some have had the honor of presid- ing as president pro tcm., filling the chair with all the dignity and ability of a Senior. While we are envied by all, a most kindly feeling exists be- tween '05 and the other classes. Now, let us talk about something of which we all love to talk-our girls : yes, Our Girls, the girls of '05. Seventeen in number, but dear to OUt' 111
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