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middle class; and after two years of successful and the presentation of an approved thesis 011 some theological subject, d~gree of Bachelor of Divinity will be conferred. Non-graduates who are prepared for the Sophomore class of College may, without examination, enter the Junior class; and after three years of successful study and the of an thesis, receive a certifi- cate of graduation and enrolled among the For further information address the President. Board of Bcwrncra. * LAUl~ENCE W. BATES, D. D., of Maryland. REV. LOUIS D. STULTZ, of New Jersey. J. D. KINZER, D. D., of Maryland. REV. BENJA~IIN STOUT, of West Virginia. REV. JOHN M. GILL, of Maryland. \V. 1'. SEARING, of New York. JOSHUA W. HERING, A. i'lL, M. D., LL. D., of Maryland. W~!. j. C. DULII.NY, Eso.. of Marylnnd. F. R. HARRIS, M. D., of North Carolina. j. NORMAN \\TILLS, ESQ., of North Carolina. H. L. ELDERDICE, A. M., D. D., cr-officia. -+ 27 +-
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