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wings have been named for those whose efforts have done much for the ad- vancement of the college, Owings Hall, Smith Hall, Hering Hall and Ward Hall all remind us of some of the benefactors of the institution, Besides these improvements, Yingling Gymnasium, a building splendidly equipped with strictly modern appliances, and Baker Chapel, beautiful and comfortable, inspiring in its very appearance a reverential feeling, stand as monuments to the memory of those who gave of their means the funds with which to build these structures, thus showing their appreciation for, and their interest in, this college, Then there was erected in 1891Levine Hall, to be used for a primary de- partment, Since that time this building has been enlarged, and is now used for the entire preparator}' portion of the school. On the campus are also situated two handsome residences, occupied respectively by the president of the college and the professor of mathematics, The entrance to the college
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