Page 214 - YB1901
P. 214
H German Converaaricn. """ SCENE-Dining Hall. TIME-2 P. M. PARTICIPANTS: "BILLY" BLACK, "PIGGY" TURNEI~, ,; UNCLE JIMMY" REESE, "SA~[PLAY" SA~Jl'AIX • • j SING "-the \Vaiter. This particular group of educated men, in order to facilitate their linguistic proclivities, indulge in conversations during meals, using English, French, German and Latin alternately. At this particular meal they are carrying on a German en conversation, which was overheard by the first table of Senior boys. After blessing has been asked upon litis food, which, by the way, consists of knives, forks, spoons and glasses, together with the napkins and napkin-rings of those who are fortunate enough to possess them-at least, only SUell food is on the table at the time-the conversation begins: BILu··-"This is the coisest crowd of boys and girls"- UNCLEJIMMI!~(interrupting)-"Vou forget, Prof. Black, that this is to be a German conversation. You "- PIGGY(interrupting)-"Sie haben es auch a-a-a-a forgot/ClI, Herr Doctor." SA/\[PLAy-"Passen Sie mir das-cdas=-das s'il VOltS PIGGY-" Potatoes, slaw, lubricator, und stahl Kein dass die studenten a-a-a-a fuss urn clie--die utcnis," BILLY-" Nicht so laut, Doctor die Madchen mogen Sie here», unci dann wird es all iiber die Schule gewiss geheu " PIGGY-" I don't care-oh, I mean-ich /dire nicht wenn sie micb gehort hnben." UNCLEJlMMYCsoothingly)-"Ich sage, Herr Turner, wie kommen Sie unci Herr Caton an?" PIGGY(blushiug-I-c-" Wir haben alles Recht nun, a-a-a-Istammering) -(';ucpt-that-es-gicbt-ein-a-a-a-a-Madchen zwischen 1IIlS," --+- 194 +-
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