Page 213 - YB1901
P. 213
to be sitting upon the sofa with s; the latter rapid progress. The undisturbed orbit of s about s' as a center of attraction is often affected the presence of a perturbating body, whose represent by This body often causes the particle s to tive position, and take up an accelerated motion through the orifice by which it entered the field of the permanent magnate l; the particle comes "nil," but it is not for it is regained as s flies off into space at right angles to it. The through which the force is transmitted is the voice, although due to the interruption the eyes may perform this function. The point of osculation, the normal pressure, and the angle of elevation of feeling may be found by substitution in the fundamental equation. In view of the facts herein set forth, no elementary lover should abandon hope 110 matter what be the circumstances of time or place. In doing this yon show a proper faith in the honesty, accuracy, and ability of one who has devoted the best part of her life-time to the study of this science, -+ 193-1-
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