Page 210 - YB1901
P. 210
All men are animals. Krauss is a man. f-fe looks li/,;e alt owl. Everybody has a face. Lan kford makes faces. /-/1.' (nts li/~e a 11/ollkey. All bowling alley balls are smooth. Mai-tland patronizes bowling alleys. He is a slick artide. A zoo has animals. Covington May has a zoo. 5111'oug/I.t IIOt give till' Senior bOJ's silch names. Silence is golden. Anna McMurran seldom speaks. S/Ii' is a sCI/sible 'WOllWIl. Some people can tease. Myers likes to tease. Hi' call NOT be teased. Militia are useful. Null is from Fr izzelburg. HI' 7.{!/11srll flppltS b)l the Italf P':III. All men become old. Phillips is called the "old man." Hi' ollgltt to Ita1!!' a girl. Noise is discordant. Minnie Pickett sings. She is Iwrd-Itl!flrted. Some people are cowards. Margaret Reese likes to fight. She" bosses" Ike. -t- EgO +-
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