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H flusb. MR.-_ I have been directed by the Faculty to notify have been 25 demerits and deprived of February parlor for viola- of rule No. dC7IClI. MR.-- the Faculty to say to you that your refusal to obey the direction of a the Faculty in the discharge of his duty, and accompanying that refusal with disrespectful language, is regarded by the Faculty as insubordination. and so serious a matter as to make it impossible for you to remain in connection with the College while you maintain this attitude. In considering the matter, and remembering that this is not vour first offence of the same character, the Faculty has decided you your choice and a suspension You be given until to- morrow at J2 to the President of the College a suitable acknowledgment and which, after the Presi- will read to the male boarding students of the classes. is presented by the time stated, and afterwards read in proper the matter will be dropped, otherwise you are notified of your suspen- at 12 o'clock. lIofESSRS.-- At tile last session of the Faculty you were reported for continued absence from the class recitations in and orations. The Faculty directs me to notify you of the fact that it be impossible for you to gradu- ate without a grade of 7 in this department, and that you are not at present making this grade. This notice is given that you may govern yourselves accordingly . .rVrR.-- 1 am directed by the Faculty to inform you that your SOil has been given 50 demerits for Bag-rant disorder. One of his latest offences has been to carry a bladder into the dining hall. which, however, he did not burst. !\1R.-- Jlf:JlDmrSir' I am directed by the Faculty to inform you that you were given 15 demerits for your absence from chapel yesterday, and to say that you will be given 2~ demerits for your next absence from church or chapel. Very truly yours, \Y. R. McDANIEL, San·ta/y. --+ 776-1-
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