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humanity fully twenty feet thick. At 2:20 o'clock the two elevens came upon the field in double-quick time, amid the cheers of the multitude, and went through a few signals; then they quickly lined-up for the contest. The Seniors won the toss. The Faculty was to kick off; but they had an advant- age in being in possession of the upper part of the field. Every player was in position. The referee blew his whistle. The crowd waited in breathless expectancy. Revelle made a run of ten yards and gave the leather a tremen- dous kick, and the was on. The ball flew as though shot from a cannon, but was caught Cobey within two yards of the goal-posts. Our boys formed a magnificent interference, and before it could be broken our sturdy lull back had brought the ball back to within five yards of the centre of the field. "Line-up quickly, fellows," yelled Dashiell-"18, 23, 46,10." As the last number died the ball under the arm of 011ractive captain went around the left end the Faculty with almost lightning speed. Sampaix plunged into the interference, but it ran over him to the tune of "Yankee Doodle." "The Dean," however, was somewhat more successful, and was about to make a beautiful tackle when he and "Eddy" went down together. Dashiell sped on, only one more man to pass, but that was Revelle. .. Dash" tried to jump him, but was caught in mid-air and hurled to the ground. The Faculty at once began to pile all, but were stopped by the whistle of the referee and the efforts of the Senior players. "Gentlemen," thundered " Doc," "you must break up that interference!" Never was the intluence of one man more strikingly shown. "First down, " shouted the referee. This time the Seniors tried the other end, but were thrown back two yards. "Doc" was off-side, however, and the umpire sent the Seniors ten yards farther up the field. The next time we tried the line. "Chem" plunged through" Doc;" but the heavy guards closed in, and only one yard was gained. "Third down, six to gain." Captain Dashiell decided to kick. Our line was light, but it played low, and held beautifully while "Bunny" sent the ball up the field. "Roger" caught the pig-skin on the Faculty's ten-yard line, and returned the kick. " Dash," who was playing back, made a beautiful running catch, and sent the leather back once more. Two men seemed to be having a game all to themselves. Again Revelle got the ball, and this time he charged down the field like a frightened ostrich-every stride seemed five yards. He tried to skirt our end, but" Harry" made a dive at him and measured him upon the "Now. boys, we've got them going," rang out the clarion tones of ,j Doc." The Faculty at once made their superior weight te1\ upon the line. By a series of plunges they advanced the ball fifteen yards. But there they stopped. They "bucked" the line again; but this time they met a stone wall, and the referee called out-"Second -+ !8o +-
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