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P. 192
)VIorning Inspection. "" .. " HILĀ£ joy is said to come in the morning, it is sometimes the con- trary. ~ou may imagine two of our boys who have doubtless burnt the midnight oil (for other than study, however) suddenly aroused from their slumbers by the in the morning. CL-: old lady, it is almost time for inspection CA-: time is it Crammer? I don't think I can possibly get out of bed, I am so sleepy! CL-: I know, but if we are going to make inspection we had better get a move on us, for we have only two minutes to dress. CA-: J suppose we had better get up, but I certainly hate the thought of it. CL-: Old lady, I had the funniest dream last night I ever had in my life. r dreamed that and Turner was after you. CA-: Welt. he me? CL-: 1don't know-about that time I rolled out of bed and waked up. CA-: Oh, my! How I wish I could lie in bed. CL-: Just think we shall soon go home for the holidays, and then we may sleep as much as we want and not have a Prof. running round every morning to rout us out of bed CA-: Crammer, what do you say to missing inspection? It will only be ten demerits. CL-: Old lady, J was just thinking, after getting out of bed at one o'clock to look at those stars and other heavenly monstrosities, we should be allowed to sleep a week, and even longer if we should like. CA-: Are we called upon to recite in Geology to-day? I haven't looked at it. CL-: 1 don't think we are. Dr. Turner began at one end of the class yesterday and he will hardly begin there to-dayv so I advise you to study the last part of the lesson well. CA-: Crammer, those two minutes are gone, the bell is ringing and Dr. Bonnotte is now coming up the steps. CL-: The die is now cast, we cannot now possibly get our clothes on in time for inspection, and we as well lock the door and take it easy. DIL B-: Rap! rap! rap! gentlemen, inspection. AKSWER:Doctor, we are up, but we find our shoes. DH. B-: All right?? All right?? Dr. Bonnotte does not forget to put our names on his memorandum book, nor do we forget to return to our slumbers. -+ '72 -r-.
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