Page 194 - YB1901
P. 194
Well, it was ten minutes before six, and, as everything seemed to be ready, we hastened to assume more exactly the of waiters and waitresses by on white aprons and caps. thus engaged choco- late was to scream, "Oh, I'm burning, I want to get out of this place," and such a bubbling forth of discontent you never saw before. Its cry immediately heeded, and from thence we proceeded to the dining-room each one chose a table over which he was to act as waiter. But one of the boys was missed, and on investigation was found in the having- there to look for On entering he heard a low, ~ tones, and that it was poor old bread, was so hard that it was insoluble even in hydrochloric acid. interested, he decided to re- main silent and find out what was to follow. complaint ran something like this: "Oh, I don't want to be eaten yet, about next week I'll be all right for , push.'" Then BUTTER (with a strong, yet sympathetic look), responded, "Don't worry, bread, you may think this existence a hard one, but "- BREAD-"Yes, it is a hard one." BUTTER-" We are young yet, and as we grow older, strength in- creases; soon we can govern the VINEGAR (with sour 0,,""0"'"", course, you powerful things can soon get rid of poor weak me." STI{AP-" Oh, don't Every time they wash my face they accidcntal,,), let some water run my mouth ancl- SUGAu-"\Vell, what do you feel like then?" STI1AP-"I feel like I could run around a plate as fast as Mademoiselle's tongue is always going " SUGAR-" Ha, ha! I bet I'm not as sweet as those smiles that" 'Tam' gets from Jimmie." HOMINY-" Potato, those eyes you are making at Turnip reminds me of the way Barber looks at his girl" PO~'\TO-" Never mind! Turnip and 1 are ill love." TO)lATO-"SO you were spooning, were you? That is one of Neff's characteristics, by the way." PEPPER-" I'd be silent, Tomato, if r were you. I really believe you are as reel as Beulah's hair." SALT.-"Pepper, don't be so loud. I would remind you all that silence is golden." VINEGAR-" Would you? Say, honestly, do 1 look as sour as Fannie looks at Chem sometimes, over Corah's shoulder?"
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