Page 166 - YB1901
P. 166
Banquet. HE past four years have given to the Class of 190] many joyful and pleasant experiences. Some of these have found their source in the efforts and deeds of our class members themselves, but others have come from the hands of fellow students who have not been associated with us in the class room. The crowning honor of those that have been given us by members of other classes came on the evening of the 10th of when we were tendered a banquet at the Hotel Westminster by the Class 1902. Doubtless there mav be some experiences that we do not wish to re- member when we leave here, and doubtless we shall forget some others that we would like to remember; but surely the pleasant evening we spent at the banquet will linger with us long after many others have faded from our minds, gathering around it many happy thoughts of our association with the Class of 1902. As soon as we received the invitation from the Juniors, we began to look forward to a good time in store for us, and in no way were we in the least disappointed. The Juniors did everything they could to prepare a splendid evening for LIS, and the experience of every one of us emphases the fact that their efforts were abundantly successful. We were conducted from the College to the hotel in closed hacks, and, notwithstanding the large number of our class, we were all carried there in a short while. After arriving at the hotel we were received by a committee, and the hearty welcome they each gave made even the most bashful of us feel ~- {:l6 +-
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