Page 161 - YB1901
P. 161
Cbess Club. H. VV. SAULSBURY, J. B. EDWARDS. /'1nnbers. E. BAl~BEH, T. K. HARRISON, G. H. MYERS, S. L. BRlĀ£I~LY, H. B. HEINSHEIMER, F. E. RATHBUN, L. H. CHAFFmCH, H. S. !l'fARTLANO, H. 'V. SAULSBURY, J. B. EDWARDS, \V. P. iiI ELVIN. AT the close of the second year of the existence of the Chess Club a sketch of its organization be of interest to the friends of the game. To the best of our knowledge is the first shrine to Caissa ever erected on "College Hill." The idea of forming such an organization originated with Mr. Wheeler. By the united efforts of 1\'le551"5.Wheeler and Barber the first club was organized in 1899 with a membership of eight, which number was increased before the end of the year, and furthermore in 1900. Two tourneys have been held. After a close and exciting struggle Mr. Barber was declared the winner of the one held this year. These contests have been confined to our own college, but the club hopes to be represented in the near future in inter-collegiate contests. -+ f4I +-
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