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perfectly at home. A few moments of pleasant conversation were indulged in, and then carne the summons to the dining hall. The long tine of couples to the table, presenting a very marked effect as some of the Senior in their academic gowns took their places besides Senior girls in robes of black, and some of the Junior boys beside with couples of Senior boys and Junior and Junior boys and mingled here and there. We can that. though the evening was an extremely pleasant one, the time spent at the table was no less pleasant than the most pleasant of our entertainment. vVeall went with keen appetites, and were prepared to do justice to the excellent menu provided. Course after course was served as the two classes sat and enjoyed themselves in their appetites to the rhythm of merry conversation. each with the one him. Once during each month, and in base ball and foot ball seasons a little oftener, the boys and girls are permitted to talk with each other, but only twice during the whole year are they permitted to eat at the same table. at Thanksgiving and at the Junior banquet. It has been said that at Thanksgiving the girls demonstrate the fact that they are as healthy eaters as their partners, and surely all the evening of the 10th they demon- strated this fact anew, to the entire satisfaction of all the boys present. And we do not mean to say that the boys had the less appetite than usual. Thus the boys and girls alike plainly their appreciation of the preparations made for their enjoyment at the table. The time spent at eating seemed very short. and we were all surprised to hear the toastmaster that, owing to the lateness of the hour, some of the toasts would have to omitted. However. J\-Ir. Robinson, President of the Junior Class, responded to "Our Seniors" ill a spicy and delightful speech, giving to us an idea of the splendid program that the various Juniors selected for the purpose would have rendered if time had only permitted. After Mr. Robinson had spoken Mr. Cobey, President of the Senior Class. responded to "Our Juniors," in his usual impressive manner. Then Professor Black re- sponded to ,. The Occasion." \Ve left the table for the met the committee, us. but in the enjoy- said, that the ex- The Juniors have reason to feel of their kindness towards us. Vve trust that also have reason to that the Seniors have fully ap- preciated their and we extend our best wishes to them that they may enjoy a similar evening next year. -+ 147 +-
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