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farewell to College oill. "'''''' Hopes, joys, and dearest dreams must pass away, .ln vain their rapid flight we strive to stem j A few days more, and then Fate bids us leave, With all its beauties, "College Hill" to face The music of the world. embarking on A vast and unsailed sea-our future life. Though 'neath thy cooling shade we oft were wont To rest; thy lofty towers to ascend, Thy varnished views of beauty to behold, Which far and wide so freely fed our gaze; To roam with merry hearts thy classic halls- A moment more must melt our joys and smiles. Thy shelt'ring trees, thy turrets, landscapes, all Unto the Past for us shall be ordained, And in OUf breasts will naught remain of thee Save mem'ries sweet and sad; but in our hearts Sacred treasures they shall ever be, too dear To hold as less than parts of our own souls. \Vhen deserts, peaks, or wooded plains shall be Between us, or e'en when the rolling sea Shall interpose its deep and briny bar, Yet oftentimes we still shall think of thee. Though never more our feet shall turn to tread Thy fost'rinc soil, and we no more shall see The beauty of thy mountains, fields, and streams, Yet long as mem'ry lasts, in quiet hours, Our thoughts unbid shall oft revert to thee. Nepenthe ne'er can claim the friendships fond \Ve formed while dwelling, for a transient time. Upon the brow of "College Hili," 1101' can She make the mind forget the summer dreams Of love, the long and sweet companionships, --+ I49 +-
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