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have good material. Let the students work and let all Alumni and others i11- terested in the welfare of our college contribute freely to the good cause. Nor call base ball, whose reputation is national, be left behind in the recital of our successes. For four long years since the championship days of '96 have we striven to Willhonors in this time-honored sport. But not until this year have we reflected much credit upon our Although the sea- son is opened with a defeat-University of Maryland, Wester-n lvIaryland, 6-on April l Sth, yet this was an unexpectedly good professional school so far above our class. Coach Charles and have striven hard for the team, and the marked improvement early stage of the season shows that their efforts have not been in vain. We are pleased to note the interest taken in base ball this season and look for a return of former glory. Especially have we built hopes and expectations that victory will be achieved by our team in the League contests. A strong schedule has been arranged, and we may expect to be defeated by those unversities and colleges which outclass us, owing to difficulties in our path, good offers have been reluctantly rejected. Tennis stands on a good footing also. Never advanced to the of other sports, it remains, nevertheless, an attractive, interesting, and sport. There promises not only to be great interest taken in tennis this spring, but also a championship coming to Western Maryland. Circumstances are favorable to its promotion this year, and we look for a successful season. But let LIS depart from the usual custom of bestowing all honor upon the boys in this department of training and see if the girls, who have nobly held their point with the boys other respects, can sustain their repu- tation in this particular. They are not so far advanced as to have a com- pletely organized association .as the boys have, but the cause of athletics is not dampened by this fact. Under the direction of the gymnasium instructor the girls have taken interest in performing as well as possible the work assigned to them, it is through this co-operation with the instructor that they have been enabled to succeed in any degree. Especially basket ball has been prominently brought out by the girls this year and given its proper sphere. But we reserve a special paragraph in which to express our esteem and gratitude for the invaluable assistance rendered to the cause of athletics among us by Prof. Charles A. Holton, the director. His tireless energy in foot ball, his energetic direction of indoor sports, his spiended achievement in our track, and the general assistance given b.'."him we deeply appreciate. We are glad to have his co-operation, and here take space to thank him again for his patriotic efforts in behalf of athletics at Western Maryland College. --+- 14-0'r-
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