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before in the annals of the college. vVeare deeply gr-atified by the work done by our team this year, and we look for even better results in the future. During the winter months, when all athletic work lies dormant, Western Mar-yland showed remarkable activity. Basket ball, both with out- siders and among the classes, was carried on. And the work done in the indoor athletic meets held in the gymnasium attracted wide attention and re- flected credit upon our students. In order to stimulate this class of work, a gold medal was offered to the most successful in these contests. This honor was carried off by Mr. Bartlett, of the Class. This class of sports was promoted to an extent reached this year, and besides entertainment and enjoyment, we feel that who took part are much bene- fited by the But by far best part of our article on athletics remains yet to be told. For "unto all whom it may concern, native and foreign, know by these presents" that Western College has a trruk, and we not boast when we assert that the at Western Maryland may be favorably compared with any in the State of Maryland. \Ve have long needed a track of our own. Our runners in competing abroad have always been seriously by not having the proper facilities for training. Roads, pikes, available have been utilized, But through combined efforts of Instructor, Prof. Holton, the Athletic Association, and the stu- dents, the work has been pushed to a successful issue. Dr. Lewis rendered valuable assistance in this work also. The track, mile in extent, is firmly constructed, properly levelled and banked and an excellent one of its kind. It was formally opened to the on April 13th. An inter-class meet was held at that time in honor of occasion which was conducted very successfully. The features were, one mile run, -l40yard run, 220 yard run, 1.00yard dash, relay race, running high jump, running broad jump, and put- ting sixteen pound shot. Our college was represented at the Indoor Meet held under the auspices of John Hopkins University on March 16th. Five men competed for us on that occasion, the relay team winning medals. \Ve will also be represented at the great athletic meet on Franklin Field, Philadel- phia, under the control of the University of Pennsylvania. This is a contest in which we compete this year for the first time, and from our present outlook we have good ground for hope. Of we will be in form for the Inter- Collegiate League roeer on May 18th, by the League of Maryland col- leges, of which Western Maryland is a member. Next year this meet will be held on our home grounds, and with our excellent track now available we look for good results. Never have we known track work and foot ball to advance to such a satisfactory stage, and we hope to see our standards raised, \Ve --l- 1]94-
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