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y. «1. C. H. HE universal truth that an organization cannot exist in a state of rest, but must either progress or retrograde, may be truly applicable to the Young Women's Christian Association. We are glad to say that we have progressed during the past year, and, although we are not able to see all the good that has been accomplished, ret we know that the influence and power of this Association is felt deeply, not only by all its members, but also by all the girls on College Hill who have not as yet united themselves with the Association as active members. When we leave OUf homes as Christian girls, and as members of our weekly prayer-meeting in OUf home-church, we are glad to know that our mid-week meeting may be continued while we are at College. We hold our services in our Association Hall every Wednesday evening immediately after supper. These meetings are almost always well attended- and much good is derived from them. It seems most fitting that we should have our meetings during the week, rather than on Sunday, for Sunday is taken up with other religious duties as it should be; and then, too, we hold joint meetings with the Y. M. C. A. every Sunday afternoon, while, during the week, when we have so many temptations to overcome and so much to worry us, it is a great relief to be able to go to these Wednesday evening meetings, to get .away from school life and school books for a short while, and to be able to commune with God and receive help and comfort from Him, This year we made a little departure frail) the usual custom of conduct- ing our meetings. Heretofore leaders have been appointed to take charge of the meetings, and were left to choose their own subjects. As a consequence of this, it was hard to get the girls to lead the meetings, for they were at a loss as to what they should choose for a subject, and then very often the same subjects would be presented several times; and although they were as true and as beautiful the last time as the first time they were discussed, yet the girls seemed to lose interest, and it was found necessary to change the pro- grams. For in this age it seems that there must be something to arouse an interest in the individual. So we decided to study the regular Christian En- deavor topics. Great interest has been manifested in these topics, and each member is given an opportunity to take some special part in the service. \Ve hope that those who take our places year after year will be inter- ested in this important work, and that the Y. \V. C. A. may continue to prosper, and that it may prove a blessing to them, as it hns to us. -+ lIS ~
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