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"Che 'Young Men's Christian Hssociation. !I'TONG the many organizations on ., College Hill" the Y. M. C. A. stands in the front rank.' Our Association plays an important part in the training of Christian men for active Christian work. In our hall men learn to overcome the embarrassment of speaking in public, and are to proclaim God's truth.with force and conviction, under the inspiration of the deep religious atmosphere of our meetings. Our men are a lso engaged in carrying Christ's messages to those who are confined in the county jail and almshouse. In this work they not only have the joy of seeing the hearts of these people awakened by the divine touch to a realization of sins pardoned, but they also feel that they are obtaining experience that will be of great value to them in after life, as instruments in God's hands in performing His assigned work. Then we feel that our meetings are infl.uential in bringing into de- termined active effort those Christians who have not vcry deeply felt the duty of working in some tangible form for the advancement of God's Individual influence for good and individual responsibility for the of the world arc stongly emphasized in all our meetings. Many are thus led to take a more active part in Christian work. And many who corne to College without having professed Christianity are led to the course of their lives. Many are born again through the influence of our M. C. A. And in addition to all this, we feel that the conduct of many others who do not publicly profess to be Christians is greatly influenced for the better by the Association. The standard of morality is raised, and the general tendency of action made to flow in better channels by the Y. M. C. A. work. . Meetings are regularly held for one-half hour on Wednesday evening, and for forty-five minutes on Sunday afternoon in Smith Hall Auditorium, in joint meeting with the Y. 'vV. C. A. Besides these, Bible Study and Missionary Classes are conducted each week throughout the year. The Week of Prayer is observed, during which special effort is made to reach the unsaved. Vle -are represented in the Tri-State Convention of West Virginia, . Maryland, Delaware and the District of Columbia. Delegates are also sent to the Summer Conference at Northfield, where an inspiring and instructive session is held each year. -tII3-l-
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