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With an earnestness which has characterized our every effort out the and we may safely say that we rank with most little excitement in our class, the Class of 190B. With the class a custom has been by preceding classes for Vie had that they would at least have given us the them, and by so doing. have shown them the great strength of the phalanx of ]804. Poor fellows! Perhaps they were a little too timid. For all that as we take a retrospective view of the year which has caused us so much trouble and anxiety, we find many things to encourage us. Earnestly and persistently have we attempted to trot, and canter upon horses almost Of course we are the business and have to bear the of the Professors time and again. \,Ve look however, to the Sophomore year with the determination to perfect ability Turning- to athletics, we are indeed rivals whose ability is recognized upper classmen. \,Ve were represented on both the first and the teams of foot ball. and also on the college basket ball team. Again we End 190-1 the star players on the first team of base ball class, we have made a record of which we well feel proud. The first thing- which attracted our attention after College Hill was foot ball, and we at once set to work to org-anize a class ball team, which we did in short order, but not being able to schedule a class game the team was disbanded Next came basket ball, and likewise we had our team in that. Our first game was with the sub-Freshmen. whom we easily defeated. The second and last was with the Juniors, who won after a hard fought game. must not forget to mention that we were also represented in the track and field sports. These were held in the gymnasium during the winter months, and as soon as the weather permitted they were transferred to the Athletic Field Some of the best athletic material of the college is found in our class. \Ve have had some meets during the and we had the pleasure in one of these, at least, of defeating those we delight in defeating, "The Sophs. ,. came the base ball season, and the Freshmen sho-ved their prowess there also. -I· rro +-
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