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Irving Society. ",.,. [B fTERA. R'\. Y societies, it has been said by some SChOla:-s.,are the best at organizations found with the purpose formed They are training the students in speaking, and in putting the theory of knowledge gained in the class-room into practical use. For these reasons Irving Literary Society is one of the best organizations at \V. M. C., and it offers to the student many means of advancing himself. He is thus equipped for his life's work, and for the first time is taught what his life's work means. Named for the greatest of American literary men, Irving Society strives to carryon the work which was so wonderfully instituted by his great genius. For this development we offer a library to our members com- posed of histories, biographies, sciences, of the standard authors. All the latest are found upon the reading table, and these enable all to follow the history of the present time. But the greatest advantage is found in the opportunity given to de- velop one's power of public speaking. The debate is a regular part of the program, and all have an opportunity to speak. The Senior members of Irving this year presented to the society a beautiful mirror to aid the orator and debater in their gestures, and it serves not only as a beautiful ornament, but as a great help as well. This year we varied somewhat in the form of our anniversary from the usual custom of the past few years. vVe had two farces instead of one with the literary program, and the change a success. When we look back over the has followed in the past year, although not strewn with garlands of victory, its course has been marked by an enthusiasm and earnestness that for her success in the future. At least those who depart from her sorrowing in the adversity and rejoicing in the success of our society, so with the realize- tion that to her will belong largely the credit of our life's success. -+ II7+-
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