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sions, and shall have power to adjourn the Faculty. When he wishes to dissolve it he shall take it to the laboratory. He shall be commander-in-chief of the Faculty in all wars on the students, and shall sometimes go on the warpath alone. In case of insurrection in the darkened halls, he shall hie himself hither and, bicycle lamp in hand, proceed to quell said riot. SEC.5. 'The secretary shall play president in the absence of the president. and shall perform an the duties of president except to preside over the Faculty, which duty shall be reserved for his" Antiquated Quietness, Uncle Jimmie." The secre- tary shall roll the baby carriage several hours daily; shall attend to all communica- tions between boys and Faculty, but not between boys and girls; shall lope around as though he was busy an the time. He shall" ru bber neck" at the boys in chapel. He shall go around the halls on a "dog trot" every morning at 7 to see that the boys are at work (?). And he shall report those who still sleep and those w(e)ary lads who are concealed under the bed or in the wardrobe. He shall get out of the way in time to allow the boys to get back in bed before the said beds get cold. ARTICLE III. SECTION1. The judicial power shall be vested in one supreme court and such inferior courts as the dean may call in his room. The male resident teachers shall be judges of the supreme court and shall hold office regardless of behavior. The dean shall be sole judge of inferior courts. SEC.2. Judicial power shall extend to all cases in which the students are involved. It shall not extend to "cases of court," however, or to "strikes" and "non-labor unions." SEC.3. The supreme court shall assemble every Thursday night and shall be presided over by the dean. The dean shall be chief justice, and his term of office shall depend on how long it takes the students to worry him to death. SEC.4. The supreme court shall judge of the merits of students and shall superintend the distribution of demerits. It shan demerit those who merit demer- its, and also some meritorious lads who do not merit demerits shall be demerited regardless of their merit. It shall have the power to campus boys, and it shall be the custom to deprive boys of "parlor." When they do the boys shall CU8(S)" Tom." ARTICLE IV. The ratification of nine members of the Faculty shan be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution. Done in convention, without the unanimous consent of the students, the ....................................................................., in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety- nine and one month. GEORGE WASHINGTON Ward, President of Convention. THOMAS HAMILTON Lewis. WILLIAM MARSHAAL Black. 174
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