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P. 189
That football is fast gaining favor on the Hill was evidenced by the increased interest taken in the game last fall and by the apparent willingness-s-even eager- ness-s-of many Df the bDYSto. give the first team practice by playing on the second team. Heretofore it has been quite hard to. get a second team tDgether, but this year one was organized and did good work. We feel sure that to. it was due much of the success of our regular team. There are two. things with which every football team should be provided if it is to. realize the best results-a second team and an experienced coach. Unfortunately, we were unable to. get the latter, although we did not give up hope until our last defeat. Professor Galbreath, acting as coach, did valuable service by encouraging the bDYS, and by his own hard and plucky playing he set for them an excellent standard; but his lack: of experience pre- vented him from fulfilling the necessary requirements. It is to. be hoped that next fall, in addition to. his services, will be those of a coach of experience. Western Maryland will then have a team fully able to. DCCUPYa high position in the football sphere. 179
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