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Hall. She doesn't make all the noise. Members shall not be subject to a (r)rest as long as boys are in the school. They shall be allowed to roam around the halls unmolested between 7 A. M. and 10 P. M. After lOP. M. they must watch out for water, molasses, tin cans and other articles. SEC. 7. All bills for raising revenue must originate in the head of the presi- dent, and the Faculty must concur, or they will incur the ill will of the president, which will be an ill occurrence. All bills must be signei by the president before they become rules. If the Faculty pass a bill in the absence of the president, on his return it must be submitted to him. If he signs it, it becomes a rule. If he vetoes it, it is all over with it and the originator must resign. 8EC. 8. The Faculty shall have the power to impose duties and exercises on the students; to scare all the new students nearly crallY; to lay" general damage" tax when building needs repairing; to borrow money to build alumni halls, etc.; to coin money in any way they oan; to amend this Constitution at will; to establish postoffice and mail routes for "strikes" (these must not be fee-mail routes); to define and punish" serious offences" and coufine the offenders; to see that there is plenty of steam in the radiators on a hot day, and that on the approach of a cold day the steam is immediately shut off-this must never be neglected; and to make all laws which they deem necessary and proper for carrying into execution the fore- going powers. SEC. 9. No tax shall be laid on articles imported from home. No money shall be drawn from the treasury by a member of the Faculty if not ordered by the Faculty, unless a member can slip it out in the dark. Faculty shall have no power to alter the law of gravitation; to keep boys from going back to bed between 7 and 7.01 A. M.; to prevent the exchange of clandestine" billet deux" (even if the" Billies" do try to stop it). ARTICLE II. SECl'[QN 1. The exeeuti ve power shall he vested in a president and secretary. They shall be elected semi-occasionally by the same Board of Trustees. They shall "squeeze in" to office until they get tired, or until the trustees get tired of them. The meanness of the students mustn't count. SEC. 2. Before entering upon the execution of his office, the president shall take the following oath of office: "I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully exe- cute the office of president, and the students, too, if necessary; and I will, to the best of my ability, preserve and pickle the Faculty and defend this Constitution." SEC. 3. The right honorable gentleman previously known as "Mister" shall now be recognized as the" Most High and Mighty." 'I'his appellation shall by the students be abbreviated and take on the more dignified form of "Doc." . SEC. 4. '],11epresident shall look out for things in general and for himself in particular. He shall have power to convene the Faculty on extraordinary occa- 173
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