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eonstitution. PREAMBI ..E. We, the members of this Faculty, in order to form a kindergarten, promote gelleral misery, work students to death, keep boys off girls' side, provide for all offences and secure the enmity of all students upon ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Oonstitution for this Western Maryland Oollege. ARTICLE I. SEOTION1. All legislative power herein granted shall be vested in a Faculty of said Oollege, which shall consist of a teacher from each department, preceptress, librarian and gymnasium instructor. No person sball be a member of this body who is not intellectual or who cannot make others believe that he is. There shall be no age limit in either direction, nor shall there be any restriction as to looks or size, but the color line shall be drawn. This, however, does not apply to all Blacks. SEO.2. The members of this body hall be elected every now and then, or oftener, by a Board of Trustees. This electoral college shall meet once a year (Tuesday of ending week) in the dining-hall of the institution. Here they shall be served with a fine dinner. What remains, together with other remains, shall be re-served for hash and re-served to the students at supper. SEO.3. When vacancies occur in any department, they shall be temporarily filled by the president until the trustees come up to be temporarily filled again. SEC.4. The president of the College shall preside over the Faculty, but he shall have no vote until things go wrong, then he can vote several times. He shall have sole power of stuffing hallot box and tndents. SEO.5. 'I'he Faculty shaH assemble at lea t once in every week, and such meet- ing shall be on the Friday following the last Thnrsday and preceding the first Saturday in the week. SEC.6. The Faculty shall be the judge of the qualifications of its members. It shall try its members for all disorder, insubordination, shirking of duties, dumb- ness, and, if one becomes obstreperous, fire him, her or it. It shall also try the patience of the students. The members shall receive an enormous compensation for their services, to be ascertained by the trustees and to be paid out of receipts from "key" money. The members shall not be held accountable for any speech made in Faculty or for any speech they would like to make. Neither shall they be held accountable for reporting stude. until the students find it out. Then the stu- dents must not be held accountable for anything done to the said Profs. Vocal teacher must not be held responsible for the awful racket emanating from Mus.c 172
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