Page 176 - YB1899
P. 176
HARRy.-Look hur, ole wuman, I want to ax ye sumpin. STANLEy.-I suppose you want to inflict on me some more of your abraca- dabra; but out with it. H.-What pas tim du ye lik the best? S.- Well after a careful perscrutation of all the various recreations· at this coeducational institution, I may say without prejudice or prevarication that I am predisposed to smiling. H.-Yewar? S.-Most undoubtedly. I am partial toward this recreation because it affords the most extraordinary and consentaneous facility for the simultaneous develop- ment of the cutaneous or dermatic facial muscles by concomitant contractions and variations accompanied by nictitation. It is the most invigorating, delectable and self-satisfying of all the exercises that involve the external expression of an internal inexpressibility by an outward alloverishness. H.-Du tell! Ole wurnan yu're kind a.' warm. S.-This phenomenal and consuetudinary occupation has constantly afforded me an incomprehensible felicity by its conglutinative tendency. H.-How duz it wurruk ? S.-It is in lispensable that the participating characters be contiguous, or, at least, in such proximity that each can obtain an uninterrupted survey of the other's physiognomy. Its incipient stages are characterized by a parabolical deflection of the lips into a peripolygonal extending to the auricular appendages and orifices, the whole countenance undergoing a phenomenal metamorphosis, It is an infallible specific for all forms of valetudinarianism. H.-Go it.. Rube! S.-To. elucidate! Its salutariness is undoubtedly beyond controversy. There is nothing proletarian or uncongenial about it. It produces plenary rube- sence both in the perpetrator and in the recipient. Its potential penetrativeness is even conducive to osteogeny and I cannot do justice to its puissance on account of my ambigatory pauciloquence. H.-I spose so; but if the eleernountainary consolitableness unostentifer- ously disinterrogates the idiocrynstatic effervessoriousness, the posthumiliation 166
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