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which he said: "With a sufficiency of wind soup and gas p1ltdding the year 19 0 0 is destined to blow a gale that will sweep aa trash before it, leaving nothing but adamantine giants to survive its onward rush. "Just as 'liquid air' is destined to revolutionize all scientific, mechanical and commercial relations. so shall we expect to see you knock the bottom out of all creation and leave the bangdoodle setting on the back fence mourning for his lost hash. "A noticeable feature of 'liquid air' is its extreme low degree of temperature. By placing a piece of ice in liquid air it is discovered that the same effect is pro- duced as when a red hot iron is plunged into cold water. Just so to-night with us. While we have been cold like ice tags, you have plunged us into this 'liquid air' and gas pudding and have given us a 'hot time.' We must now thank you for the compliment, and also in behalf of the class we would express our gratitude for such a delightful evening, and we trust that your generous hospitality and fra- ternal relations with us may be perpetuated, and that 1901 may lavish upon you a similar menu." At this juncture the president of the Junior Class responded in a pleasing manner to the toast, "Upper Class Strikes," in which he said : "We are outland- ishly glad to greet you in this circle of Upper Classmen. As a class, and individ- ually, we have always cherished love" and friendship for you as a class and as indi- viduals. "N othing can be so satisfying as an Upper Class strike, and this spirit has been the motto which has guided Cupid's darts during this scholastic year. In conclusion, let me in thundering tones wish you, in all your career more strikes." And then when we woke we found that the Junior Banquet was all a faking dream. 16ll
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